The best coach for your team

Avendoo Case Studies

Solutions directly from practical experience

Are you looking for ideas for your own Learning World or do you want to know what is possible with Avendoo? Then get your own impression through our showcases: From an individual learning path that fits with the design of your company to a comprehensive content project with innovative learning content — with the Avendoo Learning World, you create learning experiences that inspire!

Blended Learning "Informatiert, couragiert, engagiert!"

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Campus und Webportal der ALH Gruppe

Logo ALH Gruppe Alte Leipziger-Hallesche negativ

Lernen für mehr mobile Freiheit

Das Logo der Telekommunikationsmarke "congstar". Ein weißer Stern links neben dem Schriftzug.

Bildung ist die beste Versicherung


ELI - Eine Lernwelt unter Strom


Learning together from each other


Avendoo Knowledge

Looking for a coach?

Establish and promote a learning culture within the company

For a company to be successful in the long term and maintain its innovative strength in the future, well-trained and committed staff are indispensable. “However, the rapid development of technology, business and communication means that employees can no longer rely solely on their school education or knowledge from their studies. On the contrary, lifelong learning is becoming more and more the focus for individuals and companies as a whole.”