The best coach for your team


Illustrierte, gestapelte Klemmbausteine mit den Aufschriften "LMS", "LCMS", "SMC", "Move", "VMS" und "RM".

Avendoo Learning World

More than just
e-learning software

At Avendoo, we are experts in learning technology, because we provide holistic knowledge management for your company. Regardless of whether you are planning digital training courses and comprehensive events or if you are looking for intelligent authoring or community solutions: Our Learning World offers you the right technology and our staff has the right expertise. Instead of working within a closed system, our solution is networked, flexible and tailored to your requirements.

Make learning an experience with learning technology solutions from Avendoo.

Avendoo case studies

Solutions directly from practice



Blended Learning "Informatiert, couragiert, engagiert!"

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Campus und Webportal der ALH Gruppe

Logo ALH Gruppe Alte Leipziger-Hallesche negativ

Lernen für mehr mobile Freiheit

Das Logo der Telekommunikationsmarke "congstar". Ein weißer Stern links neben dem Schriftzug.

Bildung ist die beste Versicherung


ELI - Eine Lernwelt unter Strom



Avendoo Platform

All learning content under control at all times

This is how easy it is to manage your learning content: with the Learning Content Management System for your Learning World. Benefit from reusable content and central content management with no barriers and the fact that everything is multilingual.

Illustration eine Computers sowie zwei Smartphones mit Graphen.

Avendoo Knowledge

Looking for a coach?

Establish and promote a learning culture within the company

For a company to be successful in the long term and maintain its innovative strength in the future, well-trained and committed staff are indispensable. “However, the rapid development of technology, business and communication means that employees can no longer rely solely on their school education or knowledge from their studies. On the contrary, lifelong learning is becoming more and more the focus for individuals and companies as a whole.”

Avendoo Academy

Find out about online learning

In the Academy, you can experience our comprehensive educational offer, not only for the Learning World but also for the whole world. From Avendoo Basics to designing online learning experiences to further education programmes for online coaches.

Who organises the event and books the tickets?


Ein illustrierter Laptop, darum herum Bücher und ein Download-Symbol.

Avendoo Move

Create content directly in the Learning World

With Avendoo Move, your Learning World has an authoring tool that allows you to create your own learning content quickly and easily. Numerous functions, interactions and intuitive drag & drop operation are just some of Move’s strengths. Easily create learning experiences that inspire with no need for additional software.